3rd ERA CoBioTech Hub Meeting!
The organizers are happy to welcome a wide range of participants from European networks and initiatives to discuss the future of research in biotechnology and related innovative technologies. The European Biotech Hub was established as a platform aligning different European strategic instruments in the area of biotechnology by integrating stakeholders on various levels, taking into account not only scientific and technological, but also geographic and societal aspects.
We are looking forward to welcoming ERA-Nets, Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs), Joint Undertakings (JUs), Coordination and Support Actions (CSAs), European Partnerships (EPs) and other initiatives and instruments, as well as representatives of the European Commission, scientists and the general interested public to the event. The start of the new funding programme Horizon Europe means change and adjustment many research funding initiatives and instruments, but it also provides the chance for further and intensified collaboration and cooperation, and for shaping the research landscape to be more open, inclusive, trustworthy (by society at large) and to strengthen the innovative capabilities of the field of biotechnology and its related innovative technologies.
Please join the lively discussions of past experiences, the outlook on many new research funding instruments and initiatives, and their transition process from Horizon 2020 to Horizon Europe.
In case of any queries, please contact: Ms Christin Weigel, Phone: +49 351 564-64230, email: Cobiotech@smwk.sachsen.de.
You can register for the event here: https://hopin.com/events/3rd-era-cobiotech-hub-meeting