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Leopoldina Symposium

InfectoGnostics supports the meeting: Sepsis - the challenges of science, politics and society

This Leopoldina Symposium brings together highly ranked policy makers, representatives of national and international health care authorities, most renowned clinical scientists, basic researchers, representatives of highly innovative diagnostic and pharmaceutic companies, media and communication experts and sepsis survivors to learn from each other about the most effective ways to:

  • Increase vaccination rates and adherence to hygienic standards
  • Improve preparedness in case of further pandemics
  • Increase awareness for sepsis among lay people and health care providers
  • Foster quality improvement projects in the hospital and outpatient setting
  • Implement antibiotic stewardship programs and stop the misuse of antimicrobials
  • Overcome the gap between resistance, novel and effective antimicrobials
  • Encourage the development of cost-effective diagnostics and sepsis-specific therapeutics
  • Develop and provide adequate treatment concepts for sepsis sequelae


Further information:

Participation at the symposium is free of charge, but registration is required.