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Open source: Bioinformatics tools from Jena facilitate phage detection and PCR design

In two scientific publications, InfectoGnostics researchers with participation of Leibniz IPHT recently presented new bioinformatics tools whose open source code can now be used and further developed free of charge. The software What the Phage enables the detection of phages, while ConsensusPrime…

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Project results published in the "POCT-ambulant" project

In the InfectoGnostics accompanying research project "POCT-ambulant", the first two scientific publications have recently appeared in peer-reviewed journals.

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Using a microarray (left), InfectoGnostics researchers can simultaneously detect antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 (right) and against other infectious agents. (Illustration: InfectoGnostics/BioRender.com)

Test Platform from Thuringia Checks Vaccination Status for Corona, Measles, Diphtheria & Tetanus simultaneously

Scientists at the InfectoGnostics Research Campus Jena have developed a new microarray that can detect antibodies against a wide range of infectious agents. With a single drop of the patient's blood, it is thus possible to test whether the immune system has responded to a vaccination or if there is…

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Wissenschaftler der fzmb GmbH betrachten mehrere "INTER-ARRAY"-Chips. Im Hintergrund ist ein solcher Microarray in Nahaufnahme bei der Auswertung zu sehen. (Foto: fzmb)

INTER-ARRAY test kit can differentiate more than 700 strains of Staphylococcus aureus

InfectoGnostics researchers have developed a test that can detect genetic characteristics of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus and distinguish between more than 700 strains of this pathogen. Virulence factors and resistance genes, including those of the "multiresistant" variants (MRSA), can be…

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InfectoGnostics and partners at the AMR Conference 2022 in Basel (Switzerland)

Together with its partners, the InfectoGnostics Research Campus participated in the AMR Conference in Basel from April 7 to 8, 2022 and presented scientific results and cooperation concepts from Jena. The AMR Conference is considered one of the most important international conferences that…

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Facilitating microbiome analyses: InfectoGnostics researchers remove irrelevant DNA already during sequencing

InfectoGnostics researchers at Jena University Hospital (JUH) and the Leibniz Institute for Photonic Technology (Leibniz-IPHT) have been able to show how irrelevant human DNA can be sorted out already during sequencing with nanopore systems to enable more precise analyses of microbiomes and bring…

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